Advanced Healing
Sound and Color with the Acupuncture Meridian System
FREE! Sound Healing with Aaron
2 private sessions donated twice weekly via ZOOM, to anyone interested
Wednesdays, 30 minutes each at 8:30a PT & 9:15a PT
SIGN UP here to claim your free private session
In loving support of Upbeat Drum Circle's Free Sound Healing Clinic

Experience the clearing and empowering effects of a Sound and Color session with the monochord, elemental instruments, Tuning Forks, colored light, silks and essences on the Chinese acupuncture meridians and field.
Several dozen techniques rooted in the sacred sciences of sound, color and qi to hold space for you and your subtle body to receive greater awareness, light and true healing through all eight levels of consciousness (physical, etheric, astral, metal, causal, buddhic, atmic, sri). Treatments include:
Sound Harmonizations (60 mins) - IN PERSON and ONLINE (Email to schedule)
Harmonize the chakras, organs and subtle bodies during this sacred sound experience shared with groups around the world.
Not a "sound bath," a Sound Harmonization is based on Five Elements and ancient sacred knowledge to harmonize the (subtle) body with overtones of the five elements. I use more than a dozen elemental and ancient instruments and sounds -- including Pythagoras' overtone-rich monochord (video: Fabien Maman explains science of the monochord).
Aaron has shared Sound Harmonizations at spiritual centers and schools across the world, including the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (a regular guest lecturer), Waldorf School Santa Fe, Sedona Creative Life Center, The Music Junction for kids (Burbank, CA), Chi Center New Mexico, and private retreats and residences from Bali to Rancho Santa Fe.
Sound - Acupuncture with Tuning Forks (90 mins) - IN PERSON ONLY (Email ​to schedule)
Includes tuning forks and color light on acupuncture meridian points. Tuning forks vibrate at precise frequencies to deliver the same vibratory effect of a needle to summon source chi, just without the pain.
Colored silks and essences are surprisingly effective in balancing the subtle bodies; I'll never forget using coral silk and feeling a wave of emotion flood through and out of me. Colors of the 7 Rays are invitations for the intelligence of the subtle body to connect with the virtues intrinsic to different colors of light.
Toning with the 5 Elements and Overtones (60 mins)- IN PERSON & ONLINE (Email ​to schedule)
This self-healing session combines the science of breath, chi and vocal sound to tonify your organs and 5 Elements with the monochord. Invented by Pythagoras, the monochord is a very beautiful stringed instrument rich in overtones that lift-assists the vocal chords and nervous system. Makes toning a joy for anyone.
Learn more about Sound and Color

Theory of Colours, Goethe
Colour, Rudolph Steiner
Color Healing Manual, Pauline Wills
Color Medicine, Charles Klotsche
The Seven Keys to Color Healing, Roland Hunt